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Friday, October 5, 2012

Pre-Kindergarten has been doing great!

In our Pre-K classes we have already learned a number of songs and students have played with shakers, bells, and rhythm sticks.  Now that fall is here, we have been singing songs about falling leaves and  raking them into a pile to jump in.  And we've used things happening that morning, such as the recent rain, in relation to songs already planned for class.

We try to work on learning songs and matching musical tones through a lot of repetition, but also through incorporating movement so that the children can connect melodies with certain actions.  For example, we all know they love jumping, so that one is always a hit.  They seem to listen extra hard for their turn to jump.  Adding instruments like hand-held bells, drums, shakers, etc. is also a great way to teach them about rhythm, listening skills, and patience.

The students have actually surprised me with how quickly they are picking songs up and learning to listen and participate in class-- even the youngest children are able to recall what we do when singing "pitter patter raindrops" and are able to recall what comes up in the next verse of "This Little Light of Mine."  I am looking forward to the weeks to come and will post happenings here again very soon.

Here is are some songs you can ask your children about:

"I Hear Thunder"
"All the Leaves are Falling Down"
"Row Row Row Your Boat" (with additional verses)
"Three Green and Speckled Frogs"
"The Fruit of the Spirit" (this is a more challenging song we have just started)
"Walkin' Down the Street" or  "Allayah, layah, layah"
"Hello Children"
"We're St. Sylvester Children Marching Along"
"A Tisket, a Tasket"

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