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Monday, November 21, 2016

Help for Elementary Choir and 3rd & 4th grade Soloists or Small Groups

Hello!  Here are recordings of our elementary choir song, as well as 2 verses from "La Marimorena."

This is a recording of "Campana Sobre Campana" that might help Elementary Choir students and those performing the verses for our concert:

1. “Campana Sobre Campana” Verse 1- SING IN SPANISH (English is translation is here to help):
 Part 1:
Recogido tu rebaño                        (Your flock is gathered)
a dónde vas pastorcillo?             (Where are you going, little shepherd?)
Part 2:
Voy a llevar al portal             (I’m going to the stable)

Requesón, manteca y vino.             (to bring cottage cheese, lard, and wine)

2. “Campana Sobre Campana” Verse 1- SING IN SPANISH (English is translation is here to help):
 Part 1:
Caminando a media noche             (Walking at midnight,)
donde va mira el pastor             (Where are you going, shepherd?)
 Part 2:
que llevarte y a cuidarte             (to the Child who’s being born)
como Dios mi Corazon            (As to God, I’m bringing my heart)

3. “La Marimorena” Verse 1-- SING IN SPANISH (English is translation is here to help):

En el portal de Belén hay estrellas, sol y luna  (At the entrance to Bethlehem are stars, the sun,                                                                                                 the moon,)
La Virgen y San José, y el Niño que está en la cuna.
 (the Virgin, Joseph, and the Child in the                                                                                                             cradle.)

4. “La Marimorena” Verse 2-- SING IN SPANISH (English is translation is here to help):

En el Portal de Belén hacen lumbre los pastores, (At the entrance to Bethlehem shepherd make                                                                                                 a fire)
Para calentar al Niño que ha nacido entre las flores
. (to warm the Child born among the                                                                                                                         flowers.)

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